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April Fools' Practical Jokes & Pranks (pg. 2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Check out Page 2 of the April Fools Day pranks as it is just around the corner so Kidzworld has brought you some of the coolest tricks to get you in the holiday spirit.


  • Fill a glass with water. Add food dye so it matches the color of whatever juice you have in your refrigerator. Serve the "juice" to your family. They will be expecting something sweet and getting water so it will taste funny at first. Don't forget to watch the funny faces they make!

  • Here's another prank you can do at breakfast: open up all the boxes of cereal and pull the bags with the cereal in them out of the boxes. Put each bag in a wrong cereal box. When your family members go to pour their cereal they will get the wrong kind!

  • This one could get the person you're pranking a little messy so make sure they're not wearing their best clothes and make sure they have a good sense of humor. Ok this one is simple - get two cans of soda out of the refrigerator, shake one up and hand that one to your friend. You take the non-shooken up one and drink some so it doesn't seem suspicious. When your friend opens their's it will splatter all over them if you shake it up enough!

  • Stuff toilet paper or tissues or whatever into the toe part of someone's shoes so they have trouble getting their feet in!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: ?Starfire?
Age: 13

1 Put a spool of thread in your pocket and leave the tail hanging out. Then go up to your friend and say, I've been pulling this and pulling this but it won't come out! Then your friend will try to pull it. It will go on and on and on and on and her hands will be full!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: sweetiepie3 Age: 12

1 I had to prepare for this one. I brought two identical containers with one holding sugar and one holding salt. I also had strawberries. I didn't show anyone my salt container. I had the sugar container out and I started to eat my strawberries. This one kid, Ryan, wanted one so he took one and before he dipped it in the sugar I called out, 'Ewww, what's that?' and pointed to the other side of the room. I quickly pulled the salt container and switched it with the sugar. Ryan then dipped it in salt and his face turned green. Everyone laughed at the joke and so did Ryan... although he doesn't eat strawberries with sugar anymore. :)

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: maddychick179
Age: 16

1 Superglue a pen cap to the pen and ask people if they can get it off for you!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: venuslover16
Age: 15

1 Put lemon juice in someone's water and when they take a drink of it, it will taste very sour and nasty!!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: kkcasey_doll
Age: 15

1 Even though this joke is one of those haha jokes, it still works. Open a bedroom door or any door that you know a lot of people will walk through and put a pillow at the top of it so when the person opens the door the pillow will hit them on the head.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: loosergal
Age: 16

1 For a great joke, you'll need some butter, a plate, some salt, and a bunch of napkins! Tell your poor victim that you saw on the Discovery Channel that butter gets hot when you put salt on it. Put some butter on a plate and put salt on it. Put your hand over the butter and pretend you feel the heat. Tell them to put their hand over it, and ask them if they can feel the heat. Then... SLAM!!! Swiftly, slam your hand on top of their's so their hand gets squished in the butter and salt. The satisfaction is seeing the look of horror on their face as they're looking at their hand! (Trust me. This worked on ALOT of my family & friends)!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: KittyKat021292
Age: 13

1 Okay. Before you do this you have to get your friends to help you. First you get some salt and a spout. One of your friends has to distract your teacher. Pour the salt in the water bottle. Wait for your teacher to drink it and... haha! Works every time!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Pranker21
Age: 14

1 Here's a good prank for your parents.
You'll need:

  • A needle
  • Thread
  • Bunch of underwear

How to do the prank on your dad: Get a bunch of his underwear, and sew all of them together so when he picks a pair up they'll keep coming! This seems like a bad prank, but when you see it it's hilarious!
For your mom: Do the same thing that you did with your dad, but use bras instead of underwear. It's funnier with woman that way! Same with the men, it seems stupid now but it's funny later!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Jazzamatter
Age: 14

For more awesome April Fools' Day jokes and pranks, keep reading more jokes and pranks...

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