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Rules of Playing Ultimate Frisbee

Dec 27, 2006

Looking for the ultimate summer sport to start playing this summer?. All you need is some grass, some friends and, of course, a flying disc. Kidzworld has the goods on Ultimate Frisbee.

Ultimate Frisbee - History

The game of Ultimate Frisbee was invented by a group of high school kids at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ in the late 1960s. The original rules allowed for 20-30 players on each team. The rules also allowed for players to run with the disc and included a line of scrimmage and a series of downs, like football. The rules were eventually changed so there were only seven players a team. Running with the Frisbee was also eliminated and the series of downs were taken out. The game grew in popularity in the 1970s and is now played by thousands of people across the United States and around the world.

Ultimate Frisbee - The Rules

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