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Wild Things: The Ear Mouse

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

The mouse that looks like it has a human ear growing on its back doesnt belong in the circus or to some mad scientist. Doctors are trying to regrow ears for people who dont have them,

It might look like the work of a mad scientist but the Vacanti mouse with what appears to be a human ear growing on its back is the real deal. You won't find this mouse at the circus; it was created at the University of Massachusetts in 1997. Dr. Charles Vacanti developed the mouse by putting a mold resembling the shape of a human ear onto its back.

Ear Mouse - Why Do We Need Extra Ears?

Dr. Vacanti is helping researchers fine tune a technology that will let them re-grow ears and noses for people. It was a plastic surgeon who suggested growing ears on mice after seeing kids who were born with out ears or who'd had them torn off in accidents.

Ear Mouse - How Does It Work?

The 'ear' mold was made from special fibers that are biodegradable, much like dissolving stitches that doctors often use. Before the mold is implanted into the back of a hairless mouse, it is covered with cow cartilage cells. Blood from the mouse helps the cartilage cells grow and eventually replace the fibers. Researchers say that the rodent could have the ear removed and still remain alive and healthy.

1 If animals can be used for experiments, why not humans? Is it because scientists don't want to be sued for injuring someone? We should not do experiments on animals that we think might be dangerous to animals. Just because animals can't talk we think they don't have feelings. Well, I think that animals have rights to not be used as experimental animals. After all, aren't they citizens of America? I love animals and think they should be treated with the same respect as people.

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1 Look, I was just browsing around and wanted to respond to gcroxmysox. Don't get me wrong, I love animals too. But okay, for example: there's a disease this person wants to cure, would you agree if that person wanted to test you with some medication as an experiment? I don't think so. Rats are often used because they have a better immune system than humans. They can carry disease but not die from it. Plus, animals die but experimenting on them is a good thing as well. Animals get hunted, abused, pounded (at dog pounds), and more. Experimenting on animals may lead to a cure. If we do find a cure, we can save humans AND animals. Would you just leave an illness like that? No, we need to do something about it - a cure. Dont forget, animals do die of diseases too.

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