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The Wonderful World of Wicca - Feedback

Jan 16, 2019

I read most of the articles on Wiccans and I was wondering: Is it possible to be a baptized Christian and Wiccan?

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: chaya_dream
Age: 16

I read the article and I think you could've been more informative. You didn't metion anything about the Sabbats (witches' holydays) or anything that may give any hints towards what people should do to learn more about Wicca. I have two Wiccan friends and they help teach me, but I've made up some spells that have worked perfectly. So do what you feel and believe - you already have the magick. And to jungleirl12002, I believe you can be a Wiccan Jew or a Wiccan Cristian, but I'm not sure. It really just depends on your level of belief in your current religion and the extent of how much you feel connected to Wicca. It al depends on what you feel mostly. Is there anything about Oracle Card or Seances?

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: geminiwolf
Age: 14

It's pretty obvious that the main purpose of your site is to make Wiccan disciples out of these kids. I would have you to know that Wicca is evil and by practicing it you are inviting evil spirits to take control of your life.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: afontes
Age: 13

Afontes, you obviously don't understand Wicca. It is probably the oldest religion known to this planet. I've been Wiccan for a few years now and I love it. A lot of good things have come of it - I have better appreciation of the environment around me and everyone I know. I have a few Wiccan friends too and all of us would never dabble with black magick and we are all very religiously tolerant ^_^ It's a shame the article didn't include anything of the Sabbats as Yule is coming up so soon. Blessed Be!

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Terminal_Chic
Age: 15

Jungleeir & chaya_dream: Wicca is a Pagan religious path. Just as Christians have many different types (Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Calvanist, etc.), Pagans have different types (Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, etc.). Just as one cannot be both Christian and Jewish or Jewish and Muslim, one cannot be Christian and Wiccan (Pagan). With that said, spirituality is a personal thing. A friend of mine is Catholic, but her interpretation of her beliefs can be seen as being very Pagan as she sees Mary as a Goddess and Jesus as a God and all the saints are Demi-god/desses. She also believes that "normal" people like you and I can become god-like by acting good, like the saints have. She's a very interesting girl.

Geminiwolf: It is unfortunate that the Wiccan holidays weren't mentioned in the article on Wicca. I also wish there was more information on more Pagan paths than just Wicca as my family and my friend's family are all Asatru. You don't hear much about them. LOL.

Afontes: Your comment shows that you know very little about Pagan paths such as Wicca. It may be your opinion that it is evil because it is different than your own beliefs, but I can hardly say that if you practice Wicca that you are inviting evil spirits to control your life. The only person that controls your life is you - not even your parents have the power over you not to make your own decisions. Humans have free will. Even if your parents tell you to do something, you still have a choice to do it or not. Of course, you must live with your decisions and what may come of it. But hey, I'm just an Akaerin (a LHP Pagan family tradition). What do I know, I've only studied several religious/spiritual belief systems with my parents and their friends. I think we're on the same mountain, just climbing up different sides to achieve enlightenment. Some choose to do that through following Jesus' example, others follow nature, and still others follow the example of other enlightened people. It's unfortunate that so many people are so judgmental of other peoples' beliefs without ever trying to understand them.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: AlexaMuse
Age: 14

I think this is totally cool that you guys posted this on this site. It might help other people realize that wicca and witchcraft aren't evil. To answer junglegirl's question, I don't think you can be wiccan and another religion. If you're talking about Christianity, then definitly not. The bible actually condems witchcraft, only because it's an opposing religion though. Do your own research and go where your heart leads you. Also, I would just like to give a round of applause for AlexaMuse! I love the way you worded that.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Wikka Kid
Age: 16

There are many errors in this article. 1) paganism is a collective name for all religons started before Christianity. Wicca is a Pagan religion but not all Pagan religions are Wicca, if you catch my drift. 2) Wicca and Wiccan are just words that people use for withces and witchcraft to avoid seeming strange. If anybody asks what Wicca is, you will always end up talking about witchcraft. I don't go there. 3) There is just one god and one goddess, they are both worshipped equally and each have many different forms but we do not believe in mother earth. The moon is the goddess and the sun is the god. The earth is our spiritual home and the home to the elements. If you doubt my judgement, can I remind you now that I have been a witch (or wiccan as you skirting around it-ers call it), since I was five and I am very knowledgable and practiced at magick. Jungleirl12002, I want to answer your question. Yes you can, as witchcraft is mainly about making change by force of will. I have a friend who is a christian as well as a witch. Also, many Pagans believe in more than one Pagan religion. If anyone has any Wiccan enquiries, I'm always ready to help.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: lollipopcloia
Age: 13


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