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1999 UFO Sightings

Dec 27, 2006

In most UFO cases the story is the same. People see an object in the sky they can't explain. They report it but there's no explanation for what they saw. The only conclusion they are left with is an Unidentified Flying Object. Here are a few reports of UFOs that were spotted during 1999.

Flying Coffin

On March 10th, construction workers were putting up a new primary school in the village of Malawi, southern Africa, when they spotted a rectangular UFO. An object resembling a coffin flew over their houses just after 9 pm. A store clerk at the project Makaika told Malawi News Agency (MANA) that at exactly 9 pm they heard a heavy wind blowing over their houses. "We thought it was a storm but when we went out, we saw a black coffin cruising past our rooftops," the clerk told MANA. Who goes outside in the middle of a storm?

Something Fishy

Several fishermen were able to videotape a UFO from their boat on Sunday, November 7th. Tony Bell and his fishing buddies were just off the New South Wales coast, Australia when they saw the dome-shaped object. "This thing just appeared. It was 100 to 150 feet (30 to 45 meters) up in the sky,' said Tony. The object was a shiny bright orange and seemed to be heading towards them and then further away and then closer. The videotape was sent to a privately run National Space Center where they said it was worth looking at.

Great Balls of Fire

It seems that not all UFOs are bright shiny objects. On Tuesday, November 9th, a fireball flew over DeLand, Florida. News stories reported a "blue ball of fire that streaked across the sky above Volusia Country that has residents wondering whether the sight was something out of this world." Chet Jones saw the ball of flames and was willing to bet it was a UFO. "I believe it is probable. I know they exist," he said.

A witness called the sheriff's office and deputies, police officers and a sheriff's helicopter searched for over an hour but came up empty handed. The local National Weather Service reported nothing unusual that night. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tower in Daytona Beach and the FAA Regional Office in Atlanta, Georgia didn't spot anything either. "If a pilot would have seen it, they would have reported it," said a FAA spokesperson. Astronomers think it might have been a bolide meteor - these appear to be falling but are simply crossing the horizon. However, according to people who saw the fireball, it wasn't falling.

What do you think? Are all UFOs bright shiny objects that fly in the sky? Is there a simple explanation for every one of these encounters? Take our poll and see what others think.

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