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Fear Factor?

Dec 27, 2006

Lions, tigers and bears ...oh my. If only it were that simple. Now everywhere you look there's been an attack by some wild animal. Eagles are swooping out of the sky, sharks are looking for a take-out order and, well, you get the picture.

It makes you wonder if a grizzly attack at your local mall is next. Not. Cuz as a recent expert put it, "You have a better chance of getting attacked by your toilet than by a shark." So chill out. Don't be scared.

What gives you the jeeper's creepers? Is it walking by a spooky house, or some creepy guy in homeroom? Have no fear cuz chances are no matter what your worst nightmare is, it will never happen.

Fear does things to your mind, plays tricks. It can keep you up at night, give ya butterflies and make you think you're losing your mind.

The night before your first day of school were ya nervous? Did ya imagine all kinds of scenarios that were totally wack? By the end of your first day, it was probably all good. Right??

Well, here's a word of advice. Don't waste your time on "what ifs." Deal with reality. Buckle your seat belt, don't talk to strangers and stay away from drugs and alcohol. Stay on the positive tip and then do the best that you can.

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