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10 Strange Facts

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

10 Strange Facts

There are a lot of interesting tidbits floating around our there. Useless facts like, a duck's quack doesn't echo, get put into emails and sent to people all the time. Take a look at these facts that might not be so useless. Tell us which ones you think are made up� or maybe they're all true?
1This is a law in the State of Kansas: When two trains approach each other at a crossing, they should both stop, and neither of them can go until the other one has gone.
1Speaking of laws, can you believe a law was made on July 16, 1969 saying that it's illegal for US citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
1If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.
1More than 50 percent of the people in the world have never made or received a phone call.
1How fishy is this? Most lipsticks are made with fish scales.
1There's a caterpillar that fires balls of pooh from its butt like a firing squad. These fast missiles fly at six feet a second! How you ask? The caterpillar builds up blood pressure around the bum-hole and then squeezes out the poop bombs.
1On the subject of poop, the official FDA guidelines say that whole pepper can be sold with up to one percent of the volume including rodent dung.
1If that last fact didn't gross you out, this might. In the middle ages, everyone (and I mean everyone) had fleas. It was even considered good luck to capture and crack the first flea on a baby. (Cracking means putting a flea between your fingernails and squishing until it pops.)
1If you're not grossed out yet, this might do the trick. When cows are milked, there's sometimes a great deal of blood that comes out with the milk. This tainted milk can't be sold so companies that make chocolate milk use it since cocoa hides the blood.
1A man in Arizona couldn't get over the loss of his wife so he put her in an enclosed glass coffee table. She's in his living room now.

What do you think? Are some of these facts pulling your leg? Are all of them made up or maybe all of them are true. Take our poll or your thoughts.

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