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Pursuing the Bird-Mimic Dinosaur Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Learning about dinosaurs can be confusing but this dino book is easy to understand. Ornithomimus - The Bird-Mimic Dinosaur by Monique Keiran is an intro into the life & death of a dino-bird & more.

Author: Monique Keiran

Of all the butt ugly, jaw dropping dinosaurs that ever set foot on Earth's soil, Ornithomimus is the freakiest. Just picture a big, ugly, scaly bird about the size of your mom or dad. Too close too home? Sorry!

But ORNITHOMIMUS Pursuing the Bird-Mimic Dinosaur is a great intro into the life and death of this dino-bird. It's like three books in one and all three are Ice Age-like in their coolness.

There's the Dino 101 bit that explains the 5 W's of finding fossils. It spells out in real people talk what it takes to win the fossilization lottery. The Bird - Mimic Chronicles is kind of like reading your sister's diary if she lived 65 million years ago, had a beak and no teeth. And finally the events surrounding the actual discovery of Orni in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. C'mon, with a name like Dinosaur Park what do they expect to find there, Pokemon? But that aside, the author, Monique Keiran manages to pull all three together to make one good read for the palaeo-novice.

Pursuing the Bird-Mimic Dinosaur Rating: 4

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