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Kamen Riders Dragon Knight :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 31, 2009
Rating: 2 Star Rating

With all 13 Kamen Riders from the recently cancelled TV Series, Kamen Riders: Dragon Knight is based on a Japanese fighting game released for the PS2 a few years ago, and it shows

With all 13 Kamen Riders from the recently cancelled TV Series, Kamen Riders: Dragon Knight is based on a Japanese fighting game released for the PS2 a few years ago, and it shows. Stale graphics and lazy game design abound in a game only die-hard Kamen Rider fans, if those exist, will enjoy.

Déjà Vu

Even though I was unfamiliar with the show, I felt like I had played this game before. With a handful of the Riders locked and standard Arcade and Versus modes, at first glance, Kamen Riders: Dragon Knight appeared to be nothing more than a standard fighting game but with Kamen Riders as the fighters. All of the Riders controlled similarly and because they are all around the same shape and size, there wasn’t the same kind of dynamic that there is in most other fighting games. The other mode offered, known as mirror world, provides very rough beat-‘em-up stages sprinkled throughout the regular versus combat.

Is this Dragon worth Riding?

In short, this game is only for those who are obsessed with Kamen Rider and are looking to complete their collection. Even for the hardcore Kamen Rider faithful though, the only thing that makes this game stand out as being part of the series is the design of the characters. The environments could have been taken out of any game set in a modern city and did little to immerse the player in the Kamen Rider world. Fighting game fans best stay away too, as there are plenty of other games more worth your quarters. Ultimately Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight is a below-average fighting game that does nothing to justify its existence.


Price: $29.99

ESRB Rating: T for Teen

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