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The Promises of Dr. Sigmundus #3: Resurrection Fields Book Review

Reviewed by on Feb 15, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

In The Resurrection Fields, Brian Keaney ends his fantasy/horror trilogy, The Promises of Dr. Sigmundus. Take a look!

The Resurrection Fields Rating: 4

Author: Brian Keaney

In The Resurrection Fields, Brian Keaney ends his fantasy/horror trilogy, The Promises of Dr. Sigmundus. Take a look!

The Death of Dr. Sigmundus

Dr. Sigmundus, the ruler of Gehenna, is dead. But Orobas, the evil immortal soul that possessed his body, still remains. Orobas tries to take human form by stealing Dante’s body and mind. But Dante escapes just in time, transferring his soul to a nearby bird. Now Dante must somehow convince the bird to protect his friend Bea and help stop Orobas.

The Reign of Dante

Bea doesn’t know why Dante is acting so strange. First he tries to kill her, the next he takes Dr. Sigmundus’s place as ruler of Gehenna. And now he wants to kill the Puca—his own tribe of rebels that once fought against the cruel Dr. Sigmundus. Something inside him has changed. This new Dante is building a bridge that will connect the land to the resurrection fields. If he succeeds, it could mean the end for them all!

The Bottom Line

The Resurrection Fields concludes Brian Keaney’s crazy trilogy, The Promises of Dr. Sigmundus, which began with The Hollow People and The Cracked Mirror. If you haven’t read the first two books in the series, don’t pick up the third. You’ll be completely lost and confused. The author spends very little time explaining who is who, and why everything is happening. The story itself has a great combination of intensity, near-death encounters and the creepiest creatures you’ve ever visualized! This book isn’t bad. But we recommend you start from book 1.

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