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All About Animals: Dolphins

Jul 10, 2018

Kidzworld’s All About Animals is going to take a look at Dolphins this week! Dolphins are the friendliest animal in the wild environment and they are probably the smartest too. You might want to do a study on dolphins for a science project because they are so fascinating.

Sea Life Laughter

Sea SunshineSea Sunshine

Dolphins are by far the laughter of the sea. Not only do they always have a permanent smile on their face, but also, they know how to have fun. They surf in the waves and behind boats. They love swimming with people and they take pride in their swimming abilities to have fun and do tricks in the water. They are very compassionate and full of emotion, known to save other whales and humans in danger. They are truly the nicest souls of the Ocean and possibly the World.

Fun Features

What a Doll!What a Doll!

Dolphins are mammals like us and have been evolving for about 50 million years. There are dozens of different species of dolphins, but the majority of them look the same. Let’s take a look at some of their similar characteristics.

  • They are as small as 4 feet long and 90 pounds heavy
  • Orca’s (the largest type of dolphin) can grow up to 30 feet long and 10 tonnes heavy
  • They have 250 teeth and they love eating small fish and squid
  • They speak with click from their mouths and whistles out their blowhole
  • Dolphins swim close to the surface so they can breath about every 5-8 minutes
  • They swim in pods of 10-15 or schools of up to 1000 dolphins
  • They have a big beak but no sense of smell
  • They have extremely sensitive eyesight and hearing
Flips and FlopsFlips and Flops

The funnest thing about dolphins is the way they love to swim with people. They are full of tricks and they love to show off. Here is a list of things they have been known to do while performing on stage or just in any Ocean hanging out:

  • Jumping and Flipping
  • Synchronized swimming with their buddies
  • They understand commands and are easily trained
  • Walking on water
  • Kissing and Showing Affection
  • They have been known to joke around
  • They play with bubble rings
Sea SurferSea Surfer

Side Stories

The way dolphins hunt really showcases their amazing intelligence! They have figured out a way to herd fish like dogs herd sheep. Don’t believe me… just check out this video…

The Cove

There is a movie released in 2009 at the Sundance Film Festival about the Japanese murdering of over 20,000 dolphins every year. The movie won the Festival and has brought a humongous investigation of why there are specific dolphin hunting operations in Taiji, Wakayama, Japan. They have been selling dolphins to aquariums all over the World for tremendous profits and slaughtering the others that don’t sell.

Save the Dolphins

You can help save the dolphins by writing to your local aquarium and asking them not to buy the dolphins that come from Japan. If you really love dolphins, you should look into learning more about this problem so you can spread awareness of this horrible nightmare.

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