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Glee: Season 2, Episode 15 :: Sexy

Mar 08, 2010

This week on Glee (Season 2, Episode 15), the glee club learns about the birds and the bees. Also, Gwyneth Paltrow and John Stamos guest star. Check out our recap of “Sexy,” which aired on March 8, 2011.

Glee’s favourite guest star Gwyneth Paltrow returns in her supply teacher role Holly Holiday. This time Gwyneth steps in as the sex education teacher. Brittany confides in Santana that she thinks she has a bun in the oven. When asked if she’s been to a doctor, Brittany says she knows she is pregnant because a stork built a nest outside of her window, and that’s how babies are born. Mr. Schu realizes that the glee club kids need some help in the sex ed department, and calls in Gwyneth Paltrow for some much needed assistance. Instead of giving them a lecture, they decide to sing their way through the issue.

The Birds and the Bees

Through a series of songs, Gwyneth Paltrow and Mr. Schu make the kids more aware of sex. Finn learns that AIDS doesn’t come from cucumbers and Brittany discovers storks don’t really deliver babies. Santana and Brittany also discuss their feelings for each other – a long awaited topic. While Brit says she loves Artie and doesn’t want to end things with him, Santana confesses her love for Brittany and says she doesn’t want to be with anyone else. Will there be a new couple on the show? Only time will tell.


Meanwhile, the celibacy club is reinstated, although this time with only two members: Rachel and Quinn. Emma heads up the club and reveals that her and Carl (played by John Stamos) still haven’t consummated their relationship, even though they’ve been married for four months. She tells the girls – as well as the rest of the glee club – that celibacy is indeed a viable option. However, she reveals to Gwyneth Paltrow that one of the reasons she hasn’t slept with Carl is that she still has feelings for Mr. Schu.

Next week on Glee, the kids decide they need to write their own original songs in order to win Regionals and Quinn tries to get back together with Finn. Stay tuned for more Glee!

Set List

  • ‘Afternoon Delight’ by the Starland Vocal Band
  • ‘Do You Wanna Touch Me’ by Joan Jett
  • ’Animal’ by Neon Trees
  • ’Landslide’ by Fleetwood Mac
  • ’Kiss’ by Prince
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