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Look Cool While Keepin' Warm!

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Look cool while keepin warm with these super tredy winter accessories. From striped hats and scarves to cable-knit boots and bags, Kidzworld knows whats hot this frosty season!

When winter rolls around we all dread layering up to keep warm cuz we fear we'll end up looking more like the Michelin Man than a hip, trendsetter. Well, you don't have to worry anymore. This winter there are a ton of cool fashions that'll keep you warm.

If you're looking for something that's functional and super-fashionable, maybe fur-lined leather is the way to go. You can get hats, mitts and even winter boots that will be the envy of all the other girls at school.

This year, stripes are all the rage. You can grab something that's a rainbow of colors or if you are looking for something a little more classic, try a scarf or hat that focuses on just two or three main colors. Grab a set of the same stripe motif or mix and match your gloves, scarf and hat for a funkier blend of winter accessories. A great thing about this style is it works for both the trendy guy and the stylish girl.

A more traditional winter look for girls is the cable knit hat and mitts - and you can even pick up a matching bag to go with your outfit. You can go all out and wear your cable knit sweater with your winter gear or just use your scarf and hat to accessorize a plain shirt and a pair of jeans. The best part about this new winter trend is that if you have a grandma who knits, all of these things can be yours for free!

If none of these styles really tickle your fancy, why not head over and check out the winter fashions that Quiksilver or Burton have out this season?

1 Love the fashion, it is like, so totally fab-u-louse!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: cheerleader16
Age: 16

1 I like the fall because it's not hot and it is kinda cool, so you are perfect!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: LaffyTaffy02T
Age: 11

What are your fave winter accessories? Do you like gearing up to brave the cold or do you prefer riding the warm rays of summer? !

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