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Dear Dish-It, Why Do I Feel Out of Control? (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It,

My parents are splitting up and I feel like I have no control anymore. Why?

Dear lollypop,

You probably feel like you don't have any control because, you don't. Even though your parents splitting up is probably turning your life upside down, you, unfortunately, don't have a huge say in what happens. Try talking to the 'rents and at least let them know how you're feeling. They're not going to be able to magically make everything better but at least you can talk things out and maybe find a way to make things a bit easier on you. You can also take a look at this site, which has some great advice and resources about dealing with divorce.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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