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Walt Disney Biography (pg. 2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Walt Disney did a lot more than create the theme park Disneyland and make a few movies. Mr. Disney created several talking characters, including Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Pluto. - Page 2

The Happiest Places On Earth

Walt Disney also made many other movies including Davy Crockett, but one of his dreams was to open a large amusement park. In 1955, Disneyland opened in California and by then, Walt Disney was one of the most powerful men in the motion picture industry. A larger amusement park, Walt Disney World, opened in Florida in 1971. More recently, in 1992, the Disney company opened Disneyland Paris in France. Walt Disney died of lung cancer on December 15, 1966, 10 days after his 65th birthday. Urban legend has it that he had his body frozen instead of buried, but he was in fact cremated, according to his family.

1 The rumor that Walt's body was frozen is untrue. It's been proven that he was not placed in a cryogenic chamber, so I don't see why you are writing untrue things on your web site.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: keke19
Age: 16

1 The Walt Disney thing is not true. He died three years, or something like that, before they came up with a way to freeze people.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: cutthemullets
Age: 16

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