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Get the Goods on Goth Style (pg. 2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Get all the tips and help you need to master the goth look. From make-up to hair to fashionable goth clothing, weve got what every teen needs to know. - Page 2

1 I don't like the GOTH look! YUCK! Im more preppy!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: dancrchika55
Age: 15

1 This is stupid. The labelling. Good Charlotte, number one, isn't goth. They are just stereotyping goth like you are. It's sickening. Goth isn't even that. Gothics were a tribe back in B.C. times. Get your ideas and knowledge in order.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: GenericName
Age: 15

1 Let me give you a 'Goth Rundown' - Black boots are nice, preferably if they have platformed soles. It doesn't matter what they go with, you just have to like them. Black nail polish is all well and good but purples, reds and greens are nice too. Your natural hair colour will do just fine. Studs and zippers are for the punk scene - real punk, not the rubbish that the majority of people listen to such as Blink 182 and Good Charlotte. Real punk is The Ramones and The Sex Pistols. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Black eyeliner is good too, just don't make yourself look like Avril Lavigne. And if those are 'Goth Essentials' then you need to read up on Gothicism. Pastels ARE a good colour scheme, they soften your look. And don't say that Good Charlotte are goth because they are not. You want goth music? Try Cradle of Filth, The Cure, Siouxsie and The Banshees, Sisters of Mercy etc. Gothicism is NOT a fashion statement - its a life style. If you can't handle criticisms then don't bother. And one last thing, if you follow the instructions from the article, you will become an out and out, true gothic wanna-be! Good luck!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Introvert
Age: 16

1 I love the goth style and hate the preppy style. This article me helped a lot.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: GC is cool
Age: 14

1 That is the most stereotypical article I have ever seen! And even the ratings are retarded! Being goth has nothing to do with black boots, black nail polish or black eyeliner! Real goths LAUGH at posers that think that! Your article is ridiculously hilarious!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: vampiric
Age: 14

1 Ok first of all, you are all wrong! Goth is an attitude more then a dressing style. Secondly, punk is different from goth and isn't a gothic style it's a punk style and there are a million goth styles because everyone is there own! Oh, and you don't need a pair of boots - I've been "goth" myself for abour 4 years and I just got my second pair of boots and my first ones I only wore about 20 times and these ones I've worn about six. and you don't need to dye your hair most of the time, it's all up to you. This article really has made me very angry at the amount of idiots out there.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Farrand
Age: 16

1 Acidalayde and GenericName are right about some things like there and 100's of types of goths. Like I'm a new age vampire goth! We listen to Black Tape For a Blue Girl and Android Lust (and all the other gothic groups too). We wear black and red and dark purple, read just horror, watch just horror, don't use a lot of light - more candles (well that one goes for all the goths). We wear medieval clohting and Emily the Strange stuff and well... just BLACK! We buy our stuff from Hot Topic and off the internet.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Silver-Blood
Age: 13

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