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Quiz the Coach - I Want To Play Second Base!

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Quiz the coach helps teens and tweens with sports and fitness related issues and problems like obesity, healthy eating questions, skateboard tricks and softball tips.

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of football, basketball or hockey? Got a gripe about P.E. class, skateboarders, cheerleading, coaches, or anything? Why not ?

1Hey Coach,
I am on a softball team and my friends say that I am really good. But the coach doesn't notice and keeps putting me in outfield. Is that a good thing? Because I'd rather be playing second base.

Hey krak_a_lakik,
Playing in the outfield on your softball team is a good thing. Outfielders are as important as any other position on a team and are relied upon to make big catches and strong throws. Some players think that coaches put weaker players in the outfield because in beginner softball leagues not many balls get hit out of the infield, and there's less chance of a weak player botching a play. (If you've seen Bad News Bears, you'll remember the coach put the kid in the wheelchair in right field).

I can't read your coach's mind, but he likely put you in outfield because you have a strong throw or because he knows you're quick and can get to fly balls faster than other players. When players are learning the game of softball, it's important for them to try all the positions, so don't be afraid to ask your coach if you could try playing second base for a couple of games. Once your coach has seen you play a couple of different positions, he'll probably try to place you in the position where you're most comfortable and can help the team the most.

Do you need tips or advice on sports, fitness or health? to the Kidzworld Coach. Keep in mind peeps, the Kidzworld Coach isn't a doctor or a professional athlete or anything like that. He's just a dude who digs sports, plays 'em and knows a lot about 'em. You should always talk to your 'rents, a doctor or your school gym teacher before starting a new sport or a new exercise.

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