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Corythosaurus - Dinosaur with the Crest

Dec 27, 2006

Who Is Corythosaurus?

Corythosaurus lived during the late Cretaceous period, about 65 to 98 million years ago. Corythosaurus was a large plant-eating dinosaur. An adult Corythosaurus grew to about 30 feet (9 meters) in length. The tail of a Corythosaurus flattened from side to side. It was long, heavy and probably weighted three to five tons. Its hands were similar to paddles. The Corythosaurus skeleton suggests that this dino walked on two legs and used its tail for balance.

Corythosaurus' Crest

Corythosaurus got its name because the crest on the top of its head has the same shape as helmets worn by Corinthian soldiers, who fought in wars in Ancient Greece. Inside the crest there was a bunch of tubes running from the nose to the back of the throat. These tubes might have been used to make sounds like a foghorn. The crest, which is a mystery, might have been used as a mating symbol, a snorkel or even an air tank.

Corythosaurus' Skin Issues

The skin of most dinosaurs might look like a scaly reptile but Corythosaurus had pretty bad skin. Scientists believe it was covered in pebbly bumps. Larger bumps, called tubercles, covered the stomach. Boots and luggage made from this dino's skin would not have been a big seller.

Corythosaurus Fossils

Fossils of the Corythosaurus have been found from the Canadian province of Alberta to Montana in the US. Barnum Brown discovered the first Corythosaurus fossil in 1914. Barnum thought this dino was a swimmer because he said if you place the skeleton in a horizontal position, it looks like it is swimming. Of course,chances are that Corythosaurus just died in this position. Better reasons to believe Corythosaurus might have been a swimmer are its paddle-like hands and the crest on its head, if it really was used as a snorkel or air tank.

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