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California Kickball

Dec 27, 2006

What do you get when you cross soccer with baseball? California Kickball, of course. The great thing about it is that it can be played either indoors or outdoors, which means that the game's on no matter what the weather is like!

California Kickball - Getting Started

It goes without saying that the first thing you're going to need is a ball. Though everyone associates that bumpy red ball with this game, you could easily use a ball of the same shape instead if that's all you've got lying around (something like a soccer ball or volleyball would be just fine). The layout for California Kickball is pretty much identical to that of a baseball diamond, complete with four bases. With nine players on each team, the positions are the same as in baseball (three players on base, one shortstop, one pitcher, one catcher, and three outfielders). Each team takes turns playing offense and defense, which leads us to the next step...

California Kickball - Playing the Game

Okay, if you've ever watched or played baseball, you pretty much know how this works. Keep in mind, though - there are a few differences. Instead of pitching the ball to a player, the pitcher must kick it to them (the concept of strikes and balls remains, though the likelihood of someone being unable to kick the ball isn't too great). If the ball is caught after being kicked, that player is automatically out. But if the ball bounces along without being caught, then the player can run to first base (or even further, if possible). Like baseball, the object is to clear all the bases and make it to home plate - if you're in the mood for a long game, you can go ahead and do all nine innings. Of course, that's not a number you have to stick with (you could just decide to end the game whenever one of the teams reaches a specific amount of points).

California Kickball - Rules, Rules, Rules

Pretty much every single rule found in California Kickball comes directly from baseball, so just keep that in mind as you play. If you want to prevent players from making their way from base to base, you have to grab the ball and tap them with it. Stealing bases is allowed, but if someone holding the ball tags you, you're out. And just like in baseball, if the pitcher kicks the ball too hard at the kicker and hits them with it, the kicker gets a free walk to first base. California Kickball is one of those rare sports that even people who aren't too athletic can play, making it fun for just about anybody.

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