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It Kicks Butt

Dec 27, 2006

Here are two skaters' thoughts about skateboarding and the 2001 Slam City Jam.

I started skateboarding two months ago. I still can't do very many tricks but I can now do an ollie. The Slam City Jam was awesome. There was a massive skate bowl there and tons of people were there skateboarding and doing lots of tricks. I didn't do any because I'm not good enough to skate in the bowl yet. When I was there I met Bob Burnquist who is my favorite skater. I also got some free stickers and a t-shirt from Shortys.
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: Tony
Age: 10

I have been skating for one year. My worst skateboard accident happened when I was skateboarding down a hill. All of a sudden I started going really fast and I couldn't stop. My skateboard took off and I went flying. I broke my wrist and hit my head on the pavement. I was wearing a bicycle helmet and it broke in half, but I didn't hurt my head. At the Slam City Jam, I skated almost all day at the outside skate park and watched the street contest inside.
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: Max
Age: 9

If you have a story about skateboarding or any other sport, to Kidzworld.

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