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Public Etiquette

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Sorry, but I dont want to see you picking your nose in public. Same goes for belching, farting or talking on the cell phone. Why do some people think its okay to do this in public?

This morning I took public transit and enjoyed how quiet the ride was. I glanced around at my fellow travelers and quickly wished I hadn't. A young lady was reading her book and picking her nose. I stared in disgust. She never noticed.

I'm surprised by people's total lack of judgement when it comes to personal etiquette in public. Another time, while taking public transit, an older man let loose some very loud farts. It's a normal bodily function and it was obvious he was comfortable with that. Had it been me, I would have turned bright red from embarrassment. I also would have left - quickly!

It's not just public farting and nose picking that makes me want to hand out pamphlets on public etiquette. People who sneeze without covering their mouth's drive me crazy. Cell phones are also an issue. I hate having to listen to someone blab on their phone everywhere I go. Who wants to hear the intimate details of a stranger's life? Having a cell phone ring during a movie - that is the worst!

Do people who fart, pick their noses and chat on their cell phones in public just not care about what kind of impression they're making? Or do they think it's okay to act this way in public? Next time you see someone with their finger up their nose, ask them. And let me know what they say.

1 I think it is ok to pick wedgies in public.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: wedgiesat
Age: 14

1 NO! That is SO gross! The thing that bugs me most is when my little brothers fart in public.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Princess-Bookworm
Age: 12

What bugs you? Is it okay to go digging for gold or pull out a wedgie in front of other people?

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