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Zoo Tycoon :: Free PC Game Demo

Dec 27, 2006

Why settle for raising one internet pet when you can have a whole zoo full of your fave critters? Microsoft's Zoo Tycoon puts you in charge of an entire zoo full of animals to play with. You pick the animals, build them fantastic homes and keep them healthy and happy. You're da boss!

It's your job to make your zoo the coolest place on the planet. That means filling it with wacky animals and zoo workers to keep the place clean. The cooler it is, the more customers will show up to stuff themselves on popcorn, hot dogs and snacks while visiting your cute critters.

If you have what it takes to run a zoo you'll be racking up the cyberbucks in no time. But if you aren't careful, your lions will go wild, your zebras will stampede and your customers will run away from poo-flinging monkeys!

To start your own zoo, head to Microsoft's official Zoo Tycoon web site and download the free demo. Click the big golden coin with "New Downloads" on it then click on "Download it Now." You'll be able to play with gazelles, giraffes, lions and tigers oh my!

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