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Yu-Gi-Oh :: How to Build a Killer Deck Part 3

May 25, 2016

Equip Cards
Equip cards are a waste of hand space. Not only do you need a monster in order to use it, but often these cards carry effects that destroy your monster if the spell card is destroyed, which gives your opponent another way to kill your monsters, or it returns to your deck or hand in some way, which makes it both useless and annoying. There is a reason why you do not usually see these cards in the forbidden/limited cards list.

Reload/Magic Hammer
Do not bother with these cards. Instead, try Morphing Jar #1, which gives you more cards in your hand, disrupts your opponent's strategy, and gives you a monster that you can use to attack or tribute. If you really need cards that badly, Reckless Greed is not a bad card either, especially if you can use more than one at once.

Profile of a Killer

Below is the deck that took second place at the recent Canadian National Championship hosted by Konami. It boasts the popular Blackwings theme that many top players are using right now. It only lost to a Synchro Cat deck, which is a fairly new type of deck that is not consistent enough to be considered a true killer (in other words, it is somewhat luck based). The vast majority of the decks at the tournament were Blackwings themed, which goes to show how good it is.

Click Here to read more about making a killer deck!

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