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Quiz the Coach :: Back Pain Problem

Nov 30, 2010

Hey Coach,

I know back pain is a big deal so I’d like some advice. It hurts really bad. Some people say that I should go to a chiropractor and some say yoga and stretches. I'm scared to go to the Chiropractor so I am going to take some of your advice in other areas about yoga. What do you think I should do?


Dear Toria,

Back pain is not a common problem in children and young teenagers so it’s good that you are cautious about this problem. The good news is that you’re young and your body is still growing and with that you can fix things before they become permanent bad habits.

Ban Your Bad Habits

No More SlouchingNo More Slouching

Here is a list of bad habits that can contribute to your back pain. They are easily fixable, you just have to be aware of them and try to remember to avoid them.

  • Posture (while walking, while sitting… you can make your back much stronger just by correcting your posture. No more slouching!!!
  • Watch out for heavy lifting (my sister had a job as a waitress lifting heavy trays and discovered back problems... as soon as she quit, her back problems went away)
  • Being active, stretching and exercising (Just think you don't want your bones to get rusty. Proper posture is very important here.)
  • Proper Diet (make sure to get your calcium to keep your bones stong and healthy)
  • Rest (Make sure your bed is not the problem… sometimes changing a bed that you sleep on everynight is the solution)
  • Yoga!!! (excellent choice for learning how to breathe and becoming one with your body and soul... make sure to get a good instructor who knows you have back problems)

Chiropractor Caution

Doctor's DilemnaDoctor's Dilemna

I really like how you are cautious to go to a chiropractor. I would go to at least 2 different doctors and ask them what they would recommend before going to a chiropractor. It’s really good to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion about things like this as some doctors cannot be trusted. But it’s ok to go see a doctor. You don’t have to do whatever they tell you, but they will be able to help figure out what exactly is your problem.

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