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Blush Q&A

Sep 07, 2011

Girl group Blush is made up of Victoria, Alisha, Angeli, Ji Hae and Natsuko, who all come from countries all across Asia, but came together through reality show Project Lotus to form the pan-Asian pop group! With their first single “Undivided” featuring Snoop Dogg just out, we caught up with them to find out what life has been like in the band!

Kidzworld: Where are you all from?

  • Victoria: I’m from Hong Kong, China
  • Alisha: I’m from India
  • Angeli: I come from the Phillipines
  • Ji Hae: I’m from Korea
  • Natsuko: I’m Nato from Japan

KW: Your group was formed as part of a reality show in Asia, what was that experience like?

  • Victoria: We were formed as part of the search for the first pan-Asian girl group, the search was called Project Lotus, it happened last summer. They went to each of our countries: Japan, Korea, the Philippines, India and China, and auditioned girls. The whole process was filmed as a documentary. Six girls from each country were then invited to my hometown Hong Kong and we had a training camp called Project Lotus Academy where we went through the elimination process, and at the end of each week a girl from each country was sent home.

KW: What was the best part of that experience?

  • Victoria: For me the best part was just meeting all these girls from different cultures, going to camp was like going to school for me, I went to International School, it really brought that back for me so I really enjoyed that.
  • Alisha: The best part was becoming independent, learning to do my own laundry, learning about different foods, cultures, meeting new people, and being kind of on my own to learn it.
  • Ji Hae: It was my first time performing, dancing and singing.
  • Angeli: For me it was the first time to go out of my country, out of The Phillipines, I’m really thankful that I’m still young and get to experience this.

KW: How would you describe your sound?

  • Alisha: Right now I’d say it’s an International pop sound, but our first single Undivided has lots of remixes where we incorporate different sounds for different audiences, like techno style, house style, and on the first single you can actually hear all of us say “I love you” in our native languages.

KW: What was it like hearing Snoop Dogg on your track Undivided for the first time?

  • Angeli: We were really honored to be working with Snoop, and really excited to hear it, and we knew that we would eventually be shooting the music video with him, it didn’t work out for us to record at the same time, but we were so grateful.

KW: What different strengths do you all bring to Blush?

  • Victoria: I’m the oldest in the group so I’m like the big sister, I’m the bossy one, you know “Hurry up! Buckle up!”
  • Angeli: I’ve been performing since I was 18 years old, so I share my knowledge about singing and performing with everyone.
  • Alisha: I’m actually the youngest in the group, I just graduated high school, for me sometimes I feel like I can bring what teenagers want, like what’s really going on, cause they have different taste in music and stuff. I’m originally a dancer and then brought music into my life, so we all share our experiences.
  • Natsuko: Sometimes we need to have fun, so we need someone entertaining, so I think I bring the craziness to group.
  • Ji Hae: Sometimes when everyone’s tired you just need to laugh at things...
  • Victoria: She’s the joker!

KW: Which other artist do you admire?

  • Alisha: I really enjoy Beyonce, I really like how she performs and someone who’s like sixteen years old can relate to her and someone who’s like 60 years old can relate to her.
  • Angeli: Natasha Bedingfield and Adele. I like that they write their own songs, they make their own music, I hope that one day I can make my own music.
  • Ji Hae: I like music that’s from the heart.
  • Natsuko: I love hip hop, I like Lil Wayne songs and the way he raps. He is one of my favorite rappers because he’s a hard worker, I really respect him as an artist.
  • Victoria: I like old stuff, like Pink Floyd. Right now I’m into John Mayer because I picked up the guitar again, we’re all learning instruments, and I really like his music. Angeli is gonna pick up the piano, Alisha is working on beat boxing and maybe drums.

KW: What has been the most exciting thing to happen to you since you started?

  • Victoria: Every day is just really exciting, we get to travel, we get to perform with people, soon we’ll opening for Far East Movement, we’re recording theme song for Shake it Up! On the Disney Channel, it’s called Up Up and Away!

KW: Do any of you ever get stage fright?

  • Victoria: Yes! We get nervous, but I think that helps us with our performance because we want to do a good job.

KW: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

  • Alisha: We love our food! We eat a lot, even if you wouldn’t think it to see us. And even though we’re “Blush” we’re still like you’re typical girls, we have bad hair days, even though we’re out there with Justin Bieber and the Far East Movement we still get the occasional zit.

Check out Blush featuring Snoop Dogg in Undivided!                                            

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