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Dear Dish-it: How Do I Get A Boyfriend?

Mar 17, 2013

Dear Dish-it,

I can't get a boyfriend! I want one but no one likes me. I don't know what to do about this. Please tell me how to get a boyfriend.

Forever Alone

Dear Forever Alone,

First of all, let me assure you that you won't be alone forever. Just the fact that you're open to finding a boyfriend means that, eventually, one will come along. But there's a difference between being open to love and being desperate for it. Have you ever heard people say that they can never find something until they stop looking? The same applies to relationships. Sometimes, when you look too hard, you come off as desperate, and that will repel potential boyfriends.

Make Friends

You say that nobody likes you. How do you know for sure? Maybe there's a guy at school who secretly has a crush on you. If you know for a fact that no one likes you, that means you've probably been asking them out and getting rejected. Try to appear more easygoing. Stop worrying so much about getting a boyfriend. Get to know guys, possibly even as friends, and then it could turn into more.

Worth The Wait

You shouldn't be so concerned with getting just any boyfriend. Relationships are based on mutual affection. One day you'll find someone that you truly have feelings for, and he'll have those feelings for you. It may not be soon, but trust me, when you do find him, it'll be worth the wait!

Try Something New

For now, focus on the other positive things in your life: your family, your friends, your favorite hobbies. Try participating in a new sport or community activity. It's a great way to meet new friends (and potentially a boyfriend), as well as expand your horizons. It will make your life feel more full and enriching. Sometimes the desperate need for a relationship really stems from the feeling that something is missing from your life. Something fun or challenging. Something to keep you busy. So give it a try. And while doing this, keep yourself open to a relationship, but don't tell yourself that you need a boyfriend. Remember, no girl needs a guy to make her happy.

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