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Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered PlayStation 4 Game Review

Join the Ghostbusters as a new rookie ‘buster, and suit up with the movies’ iconic gear against a swarm of ghosts.

Reviewed by on Oct 17, 2019
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Join the Ghostbusters as a new rookie ‘buster, and suit up with the movies’ iconic gear against a swarm of ghosts. How does the game hold up in this new Remaster? Check out Kidzworld’s PS4 review of the remaster of Ghostbusters: The Video Game.

Ghostbusters has had somewhat of a weird history. After the fantastic first movie, nothing that came out had quite been as universally loved. After some time though, came this game which looked to sort of act as a third movie. Written and acted by the original 4 Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered wanted to be the third movie with the original crew that the world never saw. 

Going up against the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man in New York should make any Ghostbusters fan happyGoing up against the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man in New York should make any Ghostbusters fan happy

The Rookie

You play as a new Rookie Ghostbuster on his first day at the Firehouse. As a way for the crew to test new, potentially dangerous ghost-busting equipment, you get the honors of testing a bunch of new gadgets in the field. Things get out of control quickly, and once again New York City is plunged into a ghostly invasion. The story feels authentically Ghostbusters with Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis (Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler) writing out the ridiculous antics the team finds themselves in. The old team has plenty of banter back and forth with each other. Even though they don’t sound the most engaged most of the time, they still get more to do than The Rookie. Your character never speaks, instead just gets to look confused during cutscenes. Having you control a main character that never speaks lets you place yourself in their shoes better, but when so much of the enjoyment of Ghostbusters is the funny interactions between the ‘Busters you can’t help but wish your character had something to say. He got a bit more story in the Ghostbusters IDW comic book but that doesn’t help us here. 

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Trailer


The Gear

Deploying on the rain-soaked streets of New York City during a ghostly invasion means coming equipped for the job. Luckily, the Ghostbusters have just about any tool you’d need to capture ghosts. Using the different tools, traps and weapons is by far the best part of the game, and the variety keeps things fresh. From the famous Proton Pack to traps, the P.K.E. Meter, Slime Blower and more, you’ll face threats that will make use of all your tools. My favorite feature of the arsenal is having most of your heads up display be featured directly on the Proton Pack. Instead of watching your health with a bar on the top of the screen, your health and heat of your Proton Packs are represented by glowing bars strapped to your character’s backpack. 

The Proton Pack is the go-to tool of the GhostbustersThe Proton Pack is the go-to tool of the Ghostbusters

Busting Ghosts 

The moment to moment action feels like a mix of Gears of War and Luigi’s Mansion. Taking down most ghosts is as easy as blasting them for a while, grabbing them with your beam, and trapping them in a Containment Unit. Sometimes a different combination of weapons and tools is used, but each encounter with bigger ghosts plays out very similarly. Some of the smaller ghosts can just be blasted away, but they’ll often attack you in packs and pin you to the walls. Which, leads to the often frustrating encounters with the smaller enemies. You can bet on running over to Peter Venkman over and over again to revive him.

Ghostbusters The Video Game is the closest thing to a Ghostbusters 3 that we'll ever getGhostbusters The Video Game is the closest thing to a Ghostbusters 3 that we'll ever get

Final Thoughts

Despite being a Remaster, not much has done outside of the graphics to make this feel like less of a last-gen experience. The game’s various tools of the trade are varied and fun, but the very linear levels and repetition make it a harder sell especially when Luigi’s Mansion 3 is right around the corner. If you liked the original game as is or are just a huge fan of Ghostbusters, it is a no brainer though. This game captures the feeling of the first two films very well, and exploring the Firehouse and using the iconic tools is absolutely worth it to fans. So, if you can’t get enough Ghostbusters, give it a shot but otherwise, there might be some better options on the horizon.

The CGI cutscenes were remastered, and look much better than gameplayThe CGI cutscenes were remastered, and look much better than gameplay


  • Authentic to the Movies
  • Varied Ghostbusting Tools
  • Being the Fifth Ghostbuster


  • Very Linear Levels
  • Frustrating Combat Encounters
  • Repetitive 

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Game Rating: 3

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Box ArtGhostbusters: The Video Game Remastered Box Art

Available for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch

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By: Noah Friscopp