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Game Piracy

Dec 27, 2006

Making illegal copies of games is piracy. Whether your making pirate CDs of Playstation games or emailing computer games to your friends it's piracy and it's against the law. You can get in serious trouble for doing it and it's not even worth it. Pirating games takes so much time to get a working game that you're better off just buying the game.

I've pirated games before and I quit doing it a long time ago cuz it's illegal and it sucks. You get no instructions, no cool posters, lots of weird bugs, updates that don't work, etc. One game I pirated messed up my computer and started swapping files around. I ended up having to reinstall everything! It took days to fix and I lost a ton of files.

It's getting harder and harder to pirate stuff too. With all the security on games it's a full-time job to pirate anything. You could spend a ton of time getting a stolen copy of a game that doesn't work right and has no instructions. Or you could do some yardwork and suck up to your folks to get a real copy.

The cops are getting serious about stopping piracy. If you're caught with pirated games you can be in big trouble and so can your parents. Everything from fines to jail time and if you think you'll be able to keep your games you're dreaming. In Egypt they'll even post your name and picture in the paper to make sure everyone knows you're a criminal.

Piracy sucks for the companies that make the games too. If a game company spends a whack of cash making a super-hot game and everybody pirates it, then they end up making zero cash. That sucks for us cuz they're not gonna bother making any more games. If you buy the legit copy instead, then they'll make a whole bunch of money and then they'll make a sequel to your fave game. Doesn't that kick serious butt?

What do you think of piracy? Do you know anyone with pirated games? Comment below and let us know what you think.

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