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What You Got?

Dec 27, 2006

Answer this question. How long after being born does it take for a foal (baby horse, for those of you who slept through science) to be ready to run?

  • Two hours
  • Two weeks
    Now I know you are saying - "okay, like I care." What does that have to do with anything? But keep reading. The answer will be at the bottom.

    For the last six years, scientists have been working on the Horse Genome Project. Just when we humans get our Human Genome Project, the horses have to get theirs too. Copycats. Anyway, the brainiacs want to see if they can build a faster, stronger horse. It will change the world (or at least give Shaq a run for his money.)

    What they have found is that horse gene's are really important. Genes (not jeans you wear) are like what the horses get from their moms and pops. They can make the horse slow or fast, beautiful or not so beautiful - get the picture? Think about it. What do you think that you got from your parents? Is it your charm or good looks, book smarts or ability to slam home a goal? Chances are you did get something.

    But there is one thing that genes can't give you. Do you know what it is? It is HEART. Heart is the desire to win, to compete, to just be the best. Do you get me? Heart is when you are freezing at soccer practice, but still keep playing your hardest. It is when you don't really feel like studying but read one more book.

    Sometimes we confuse having heart with winning and losing. You can't always win, but you can always give your all.

    Check this out. How many of you know "The Answer", not to the question above but "The Answer" - otherwise known as Allan Iverson. Do you think that he has a big ticker. I do. He has heart. He plays hurt and he plays hard. Once with a separated shoulder, he dove on the floor, on the HURT SHOULDER. He said afterwards, he just wanted his team to win the game - and they did.

    So, what you got? What do you want to win at so badly, that you give it your all? When do you put the time in? Do you lead by example? By now, you should have something that you work really hard on. It can be at school, home or on the playing fields. Remember, it won't always be easy, but you can do it. Have you seen the commercial, IS IT IN YOU? Is it? I bet it is.

    And just cuz you've read this far - a foal can rock and roll in two hours.

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