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How To Break In a New Baseball Glove

Dec 27, 2006

Albert Pujols and Derek Jeter are back on the ball diamond. Pedro and Randy Johnson are back throwing strikes. Baseball season is officially underway. To help you prepare for the start of your baseball season, here are a few tips on how to break in your new baseball gloves.

Baseball Gloves - What You'll Need

The first thing you'll need is some shaving cream. If you're not shaving yet, grab some from your dad. If your dad doesn't shave, ask your mom. (If she doesn't shave - yikes!) But if you use your mom's stuff, make sure it doesn't smell flowery or girly - otherwise your glove's gonna smell like that. Squirt a dab of cream on to a dry cloth, then put the cream into the palm of your glove. Gently work the cream into the entire glove. You just need a dab of cream - you're trying to coat the glove, not soak it. Let your glove dry overnight.

Baseball Glove - Keeping Your Glove Looking New

The next day, give your glove a wipe because it could still be a little damp. Then go outside and play catch for a bit. After about 50 catches, your glove should start to mould to the shape of your hand. When your done playing catch, put the baseball in the pocket of the glove. Use a string or an elastic band to tie the glove in place, around the ball. Let your glove rest like that for at least two days.

  • For more advice about keeping your glove looking new and tips on what not to do to your baseball glove, click here.

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