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Dear Dish-It, I'm Scared I Will Be Rejected

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It,

I like this boy named Alex - he is really cute! He shows off for my friends and me. But my friends say he's really showing off for me alone. I like him and all but I'm scared I will be rejected if I ask him out. My one friend went out with him - I was really down and I wanted to just pass out. But the next day he dumped her. I was so happy! I know that sounds really harsh but if you were in my position you would say the same thing. I was going to ask this boy to the dance and she ruined my plans. Me and her have made up but our friendship will never be the same. I need help, should I ask him out or not? I need help quick!

Dear Ebony,

Sorry girl, I know this answer is a long time comin'. It's just that I get so many peeps writin' in. Here's the thing - your girl shouldn't be crushin' on your crush... let alone move in like that. Did she know you were crushin' on him? Cuz if she did - her bad and your green light. In other words, you're free to ask this boy out, without any thought to her feelings. If she didn't know your feelings, then cut your girl some slack. Maybe you share the same good taste in hotties.

As for your fear of rejection - everyone feels that way. It's just that some of us ignore the fear and boldly do our thing no matter what. Don't be one those peeps who miss all the good stuff cuz they're scared of rejection or fear failure. Bottom line is, everyone has failures and rejections but that's cool cuz it means you're out there livin' and bein' the best you. You know, if you think about someone totally fine like Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Simpson or Brad Pitt, they've all had failures and rejections, but they just shake it off and keep on tryin'. They've all gotten what they want in life cuz they just keep tryin' until they win. So ask him out... if he says no, it's his bad not yours.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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