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Dear Dish-It: How Do I Ask My Crush Out?

Dec 03, 2018

Dear Dish-It,

I like this girl and I think she likes me but I’m nervous about asking her out. Do you know how to solve this problem?

Nervous To Ask Out

Dear NTAO,

One of the top 10 questions to Dear Dish-It is: How Do I Ask Him/Her Out? The first and most basic thing you need in order to do this is have an attraction to another person. The second thing you need is the desire to tell that other person how you feel about them. And the third and final thing you need is the willingness and courage to take a risk. Ask Nike says: Just Do It! Here’s how.

Get your crush alone, either in person or you can always call them on the phone. Just make sure no one else is around!

Once the two of you have some privacy, start talking – about stuff! Anything will do, really. If you’re in the same class, talk about your homework. If you’re on the same team, talk about tomorrow’s game. If you have someone or something in common – talk about it!

When they’re answering your question or talking, take a minute to calm yourself down. You’re likely feeling pretty nervous about asking your crush out – it’s perfectly normal. Maybe your palms are sweating or you’re finding it hard to concentrate. Take a deep breath and try and relax.

Smile (even when you’re on the phone!). Everyone responds well to a nice smile – it’s better than a frown! And remember to keep in mind that your crush should feel flattered to know you like him or her and want to go on a date.

Now it’s time to break the news and pop the big question. Actually, the “big” question isn’t so complicated or hard to say. Just a few simple words: “I really like you. Wanna go out sometime?”

Relax – you did it! No matter the answer or the outcome, you went out on a limb and did something most people find impossibly frightening. You should be proud of yourself! From now on, it’s all easy street!

If the answer is YES – great! Within the next day or so decide where you want to go and let your crush know. Make plans and have fun!

If the answer is NO – that totally blows. But you need to respect his or her decision and, most importantly, you need to keep on respecting yourself for pushing your boundaries and trying new things. Remember, everyone meets someone at some point in their lives – the right person is out there waiting for you to find them and ask them out. Just be patient and keep on believing!

If you've got a burning question, need some love advice or find yourself thinking about things like depression, self-esteem, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, bullying or peer pressure, don't hesitate to Dish-It here. Send your questions to And if you hang out in the chat rooms with other Kidzworld members who know you by your username, just send in your secret question using a different nickname if you want to stay anonymous – we promise that no one will ever know it's you. Remember: Dish-It gets a load of letters every day so it may take a while to reply to yours. Keep checking back for her reply, or watch for answered Dish-It questions that are similar to your own.

More Advice:

  • Am I Cheating?
  • What’s The Point Of Dating?
  • Dating Dos & Don’ts
  • Love Over Friendship