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Summer Sports Prep :: Getting Ready for School Sports Domination

Aug 13, 2010

It’s almost back to school; have you started to think about getting ready to play for your school team? First there are tryouts, which are always very nerve-racking. Then there’s the home games with cheerleaders and fans… maybe even your crush is watching. Then your team makes the Finals for the big trophy. What can you do now to make everything a piece of cake later?

Summer Slouching

Couch PotatoCouch Potato

It’s very easy to let yourself go in the summertime. You go on vacation and eat sweets and fatty foods. You sleep in everyday until noon. If you want to make a difference on the playing field, all that stops now!

Morning Magic

Morning RunMorning Run

Start going for an early morning activity… everyday! When you wake up, go for a morning run, swim or bike ride. Most athletes do this because it helps energize their bodies for the rest of the day. If you’re body is energized early in the morning, you’ll be motivated to play your sport during the day.

Specific Skills

Jump ShotJump Shot

Now that you’re ready to practice your sport, let’s start with just one specific skill that you can improve. By practicing a specific skill, you might develop yourself into a secret weapon. Here’s a list of things you can practice over and over by yourself:

  • Jump Shot
  • Curve Ball
  • Slap Shot
  • Volleyball Serve
  • Corner Kick

Practice PitchPractice Pitch

Game-Play Greatness

Neighborhood GameNeighborhood Game

Get into a game. There’s nothing better than playing your sport in game situation over and over again. The more you play, the less there will be a chance of you going out for tryouts with cold feet. Of course!

Doctor Diet

Balanced DietBalanced Diet

The last thing and probably the most important is eating healthy. This is a no brainer for an athlete. We are what we eat and if you want to rise above the competition in sports, to develop your muscles and joints into performance perfection, you have to eat a healthy diet.

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