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Midnight Red Band Bio

Sep 28, 2011

Bursting on to the pop music scene, Midnight Red is following in the footsteps of classic all-boy bands like The Jackson Five and The Jonas Brothers. They’re a group of guys who love to sing, dance and be on stage. Find out more in their Kidzworld Bio.

From Boys to Midnight Red

Midnight Red is made up of five guys, all with different backgrounds that add to their musical style. 21-year-old Joey Diggs comes from a musical family, his dad is the voice behind the famous “Always” Coca Cola jingle, and says his dad taught him everything he knows. Texas-native Thomas Augusto, 19, says that in his family he’s always been the entertainer, even when he was little! Anthony Ladao, the youngest member of Midnight Red at just 18 years old says his inspiration came from seeing Usher perform on TV, he started singing and performing at just 12 years old. California boy Eric Secharia is a self-professed hipster whose infectious good mood keeps the guys laughing. And last but not least 22-year-old Colton Rudloff, hailing from Buffalo, New York, was discovered online from a series of YouTube videos he posted.

Let’s Get Together

Originally Eric and Anthony were in another band that didn’t quite work out, but they were set on making music their careers. Eric had met Thomas when they both auditioned for another famous boy band, Menudo, and really hit it off. The three guys then discovered Colton from his YouTube videos and knew instantly that he had to be a part of the group, and once they found Joey through a producer, they knew they had the makings of a great boy band, and with the help of their label RedOne they got started making music and dancing.

The guys told reporters that they get along even better than you could expect: Our differences fly so under the radar when we are together that we completely forget. There is this natural flow between us, and it all just comes together with the music! We are 5 very different guys, and we all share a love for what we do. Music brought us together, and a lot of hard work and perseverance has gotten us to where we are today.

New Kids on The Block

Midnight Red are the new kids on the block these days when it comes to boy bands, so you can imagine their surprise when they scored the chance to tour this last summer with one of the most popular boy bands in history: New Kids on the Block! Since then, it’s been a non-stop rollercoaster for the boys, finishing their debut album and performing as much as possible.

Check out Midnight Red's "One Club At A TIme" here!



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