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October 2016's Free PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games With Gold

Oct 01, 2016

By: Max Cannon

Every month Sony and Microsoft release a slew of "free" games on their respective platforms if you are already paying for an online subscription for either company. You don't need the newest console to take part either as both PlayStation Plus and Xbox's Games With Gold offer games on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (and even PlayStation Vita.)

The New Games of PlayStation Plus

Starting Tuesday, October 4th you can get these upcoming games for free if you have a PlayStation Plus subscription.

  • Resident Evil (PlayStation 4)
  • Transformers: Devastation (PlayStation 4)
  • Mad Riders (PlayStation 3)
  • From Dust (PlayStation 3)
  • Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth (PlayStation Vita)
  • Actual Sunlight (PlayStation Vita)

PlayStation Plus's lineup for October 2016.PlayStation Plus's lineup for October 2016.Courtesy of PlayStation Plus

Woo! If you've got a PlayStation 4 you're in for a pretty awesome month. Resident Evil is the HD remaster of the remake of the PlayStation original, quite a lot of history with this game. One of the most important horror games of all time is yours for the taking with your PlayStation Plus membership. And Transformers: Devastation is from the team over at Platinum Games who have a very hit or miss track record. If you loved games like Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Metal Gear Rising: Revengance​ than this game is for you. It's also an impressive recreation of the original "Transformers" cartoon from the golden age of Saturday morning cartoons. 

From Dust is a quirky game from the "God Genre." You'll be constructing worlds to guide small tribesmen to safety, not a great game but free is free. Mad Riders is your typical ATV racer, it was really popular for a short time on the Xbox Live Arcade in the 360 era. Pretty weak stuff, especially compared to the PlayStation 4 offerings.

Both Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth and Actual Sunlight are visual story/adventure game, not very gameplay heavy but full on interesting story.

The New Games of Xbox's Games With Gold

Starting on Saturday, October 1st you can look forward to the first wave of games on Xbox One and Xbox 360, if you have a Gold subscription on Xbox.

  • Mega Baseball (Xbox One)
  • MX vs ATV Reflex (Xbox 360 & Backwards Compatible on Xbox One)

The second wave of games begins on Sunday, October 16th.

  • The Escapists (Xbox One)
  • I Am Alive (Xbox 360 & Backwards Compatible on Xbox One)

A break in the excellent lineup that Xbox has been delivering in the past few months, October isn't looking too great. While MX vs ATV Reflex is a decent game for the first half of the month, Mega Basebalis a better game than the title would have you think. But the real rough stuff comes in the second half of the month.

The Escapists is an 8 bit game about breaking out of jail, it's heavy on the story and I found the story to be pretty weak. And I Am Alive was one my biggest disappointments of the 360/PS3 generation, you live in a post-apocalyptic Chicago and try to survive just a week after the disaster. It's probably not as bad as I remember but I was burnt once before and I apparently hold a grudge.

Xbox's Games With Gold for October 2016.Xbox's Games With Gold for October 2016.Courtesy of Xbox

My Winner This Month:

PlayStation by far. It's October and, in my opinion, you've gotta have a great horror game and though it's not for everyone Resident Evil is one of the most important ones out there. Word of advice, don't feel bad to use a walkthrough as it's a long and confusing game.

Have Your Say!

Will you be picking up any of these games? Are you an Xbox or PlayStation person? Comment below!