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December 2003 Horoscopes

Dec 27, 2006

Kidzworld knows that sometimes, it's good to have the heads-up on what's gonna go down in your world. So here's the 411 - according to our astrology chick, Lunar Frost. Check it out and see if your zodiac sign says that the light at the end of the tunnel is something awesome or an oncoming train...



March 21 - April 20
You're getting majorly psyched for the holidays but make sure you don't set yourself up to be disappointed. Sure, the holidays are fun (no school, lots of food, presents, who can argue with that?) but if you seriously expect Santa to bring you a pony or your fave NHL player, you're bound to be disappointed.



April 21 - May 20
Your inner Martha Stewart will spring to life this month! You have so many creative ideas that you don't know where to begin. Put your new-found innovation to work by making Christmas/Hanukkah presents for your pals, decorating your room or making elaborate New Years invitations for that killer party you're planning.



May 21 - June 21
This month is going to be an emotional rollercoaster, so fasten your seatbelt and hold on. Expect a shake up in your social life - some friends will be moving on, and you'll be getting closer with others. There's not much you can do to prevent the changes ahead, so just roll with it. It'll all work out for the best.



June 22 - July 22
Lately, you've been trying to force a relationship to work and this month you realize it just isn't going to happen. Once you wise up to this reality, you find it surprisingly easy to move on. What were you worried about for so long? Keep yourself busy outside - get your pals together for an impromptu ice skating party or build snowmen with your sibs. This is going to be a chill Winter break (pardon the pun).


July 23 - August 22
You've been planning something big for a while (making a move on that hottie in Math, starting a rock climbing club at school, whatever). Now is the time to take action! The stars are on your side this month so peeps will move mountains to help you - all you have to do is ask.


August 23 - September 22
Your GF/BF has been acting funny lately and you're beginning to wonder if there's trouble in paradise. So far your strategy for dealing has been to whine to your friends about it, but that's not going to get you anywhere. Suck it up and talk to your honey, but whatever you do, don't have the conversation on a holiday! There's a time and a place for everything.

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