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Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London Movie Review

Dec 27, 2006

Cody Banks is back and he's moving his secret agent, under-cover hyjinx to the UK. Are the covert operations worth tagging along for? Find out here!

Agent Cody Banks: London Calling

The movie, Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London, starts off at summer camp (a secret agent summer camp, of course!) where Cody is kicking butt at all the training missions - but it's still not enough to please his surly leader. What's up with that? What's up is, his leader - Diaz - stole info on a mind-control device and he's headed to London to control all the world leaders. Guess which agent goes under cover in the UK? Yep, Cody Banks.

Agent Cody Banks 2: Successful Mission

The movie is a lot of fun because we get to see a brand new Cody Banks. He's over his goofy girl problems and he's a sleeker, smoother secret agent. Of course, there are still moments of insecurity and insanity, like his magical clarinet and the killer beanie babies. Derek the new handler (played by Anthony Anderson) adds goofiness too. There are some cool fight scenes and some really fun new gadgets for Cody Banks to fight crime with. The muscial band that Cody Banks is placed with while undercover are full of really great characters too.

Agent Cody Banks 2: Mission Failed

Sure, Cody Banks is smoother with the ladies, but we never get to see how smooth. He doesn't have a love interest this time around. Even though there's this hot, totally cool girl named Emily (played by Hannah Spearritt) they just don't get together. It's sad, really. And yes, Anthony Anderson adds laughs and goofiness, but if you've seen the first Agent Cody Banks movie, you'll probably find yourself missing Angie Harmon's character (Cody's old agent, Ronica Miles).

Agent Cody Banks 2: DVD Features

There are a ton of cool DVD features on the Agent Cody Banks: Destination London DVD. Unlike most flicks that include audio commentary from the actors or director, this DVD has visual commentary from Frankie, Anthony and Hannah. At different parts during the film, the actors pause it, walk onto the screen and offer up some cool info about the making of the movie. There's also an interactive quiz that you can take (you have to see the movie before taking it), and never-before-seen deleted scenes.

Agent Cody Banks 2: Final Message
This movie is a good stab at building a Cody Banks movie empire. Frankie Muniz is still loveable as Cody Banks and his sleeker, cooler moves make ya think he's on his way to being the next James Bond!

Agent Cody Banks 2 Age Rating:

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