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Simon's Blog - May 11, 2004

Dec 27, 2006
May 11, 2004

So, my parents want me to go to a camp for "special" kids this summer. I can't believe it. What a load of crap. All my other friends are going to skateboard camp, or football camp but I'm going to some week-long camp for dummies who can't read properly. So, why am I heading off to this special camp? I guess my parents and guidance counselor went over those tests I took a couple of weeks ago and it turns out that I've got something called dyslexia. It means I have trouble reading and writing because of the way my brain is organized.

They say that's why I've been having trouble in school... I thought it was because everything they teach at school is super boring. Anyway, this camp I'm going to is supposed to help me read better and understand sounds better. I think it's going to be a week hangin' out with chumps, when I'd rather be skating. Why did I have to get stuck with a screwed up brain? That's worse than pushing mongo.

The only good thing that came out of this is that my parents bought me a pair of tickets to the Warped Tour this August and a new Andy Mac deck for agreeing to go to "dyslexia camp." The Warped Tour is gonna kick ass. There'll be like five billion bands there, like Guttermouth, Good Charlotte and Billy Talent and tons of skate stuff too. If I'm still with Kara, I might take her. If not, I'll see if Sindy or Ben want to go. Ben always seems to scare all the girls away at concerts, but he'll be whining all summer if I don't agree to take him. Anyway, the skatepark is calling.


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