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The Sims 2 PC Game Cheats: Video Game Hints and Tips for Happy Sims

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Get a bunch of game tips, hints, strategies and cheats for The Sims 2 PC video game by Electronic Arts!

Raisin' a video game cyber-family of Sims in The Sims 2 from Electronic Arts can be a blast. But, your Sims can get upset, angry and sad, just like real people. Keeping them happy is tricky, so we have some game hints, tips and strategies here in Cheat Street. Check 'em out for the 411 on how to raise a happy virtual family. If these game strategies don't help you out, hit the rest of Cheat Street for video game cheat codes for The Sims 2!

Dear Gary,

Do you know any way to turn their bad mood in The Sims 2 to a goodie good mood? When I tried deleting them, like in The Sims 1, it didn't work it just... well, deleted them and I had to leave without saving.

Hey SilvieMoon,

Looking for a Sims 2 attitude pick-me-up? The answer is, of course, video games! No, seriously, video games are a great way to cheer up a Sim. Here are some game tips on other things you can do to help keep your family of virtual people smiling in The Sims 2.

The Sims 2 PC Video Game Cheat Hints and Tips

First things first, there are your Sim's needs. Here they are, and how to keep 'em in the green.

The Need
The Solution
Eat food.
Sleep or drink coffee.
Play games, read or watch TV.
Talk, eat, dance or play games with another Sim.
Shower, bathe or wash your hands.
Sit or sleep, especially in nice beds or chairs!
Use the bathroom! (duh...)
Stay in well-lit, decorated, clean rooms.

Sims 2 Tip - Boost Skills With Encouragement!

If you have a Sim with a seven or higher in a personality trait, they can encourage a younger Sim with three or less in the same trait. The bigger the age difference, the better this works. So, if Oldy Oldster McOldsen encourages a baby Sim to learn to be an astronaut, by the time the wee feller is five he'll be ready to hop into a starfighter, battle droid ships, defeat the Trade Federation and save the day. No, wait, that's Star Wars. But he could talk the toddler into increasing skills instead!

Sims 2 - Sim Aspiration Strategies for Happiness

Every Sim has a dream. Whether it's to be smarter, more popular, richer or just to have an awesome family, it's what makes them happy. Here's how to cheer up each type of Sim, based on their Aspiration.

They Should...
Make food, get married, hang with the kids.
Flirt with, hug and even go steady with another Sim.
Make money and spend it on good food and toys.
Learn lots of skills, max them out if you can!
Throw parties and make friends with other Sims.

1I just wanted to say that i know another REALLY good cheat for the sims2. It's boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true. This will make you be able to pull your moods up and down and if you hold down Shift and click your Sim. A lot of options come up to do stuff and you can get a tombstone to do even more stuff by clicking tombstone of L and D when you're in the Shift Mode for your Sim. It's really cool and I just thought if you wanted to post that one it's really helpful.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: BridgieBoo1192
Age: 14
Rating: 5

That's it for The Sims 2 video game cheats and walkthroughs this week, but stick around and see what cheats Gary can come up with for next week. He'll get the 411 on all the coolest game codes! Don't forget, if you get stuck and need a game cheat code, and let him know!

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