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Simon's Blog - August 14, 2007

Reviewed by on Aug 13, 2007
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Simon blogs about talking to his ex-girlfriend and his plans for back to school in his free online journal.

August 14, 2007

The Vanessa saga has come to its final limping finish. All the mystery and drama is over and all that's left is me brooding in my bedroom with my dog. I can't believe what I'm about to say: I just want to go back to school.

Here's how it all went down: I caved in and called Vanessa. I told her what I'd heard about her new boyfriend and that she was hanging out with him before we broke up. She didn't even seem embarrassed. She actually said to me, "What did you expect?" She says that I was too busy for her so she found someone who wasn't. I can't believe her! So what was up with her accusing me of cheating on her? She says that she still thinks that I did, which is why she doesn't feel bad for "doing the same thing." Ahhhh!

Okay, so I've just got to get over this. Obviously she isn't the cool person I thought she was. Here's a heads-up to all those girls who think guys are jerks: some girls are jerks too. The summer camp I'm working at closes down next week, which means I get a little bit of free time before school starts. I'm going to do my best to just cheer up and enjoy it. I'm really going to have to force myself, though.

Once again, thanks for all your !


1Well my name is Vanessa but I'm not THAT Vanessa. That sucks being dumped. My ex boyfriend Rex dumped me. Get over her! find A NEW GIRLFRIEND!
Username: Vanessa/p>

1Hey Simon! I'm sorry about the break up. All I have to say is see if what her friends and your friends are telling the truth. Not that you should spy on her but see for yourself. If it's true you guys are not together there are a lot of girls you can be with. Maybe she wasn't the right one so enjoy your summer hang out. It would be good to have a girl to hang out with but just chill and have a good time. PEACE.
Username: Anonymous

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