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Quiz the Coach :: How Do I Stop Sweating?

Jun 07, 2010

Hey Coach

How do I stop sweating?


Sweating is something that everyone does. Whether it’s hot outside, or you’re exercising, it’s only natural to be sweating more than usual. But what if it’s room temperature and you aren’t exercising… why are you sweating? There are some different reasons why we sweat and they are controllable. Let’s take a look at some of the different ways people sweat.

Stress and Anxiety

A lot of people have mental stress and anxiety and this causes them to sweat. Whether you’re nervous about talking to someone you have a crush on, or you’re next in line to do a class presentation, you might find yourself sweating right through your clothes. Everyone sweats when they get nervous, so it’s not really a big deal. But if you really want to try and do something about this, the trick is in figuring out how to stop being nervous.

Health and Body Weight

Most people that are out-of-shape will find themselves sweating for absolutely no reason. Well actually there is a perfectly good reason. Our bodies are always working hard just to breathe. If you don’t exercise, you’re going to gain weight and/or become out-of-shape and it’s going to be hard for your body just to do basic things like eating and breathing. Make sure to get exercise everyday, or you might find yourself out-of-breath and sweating just to walk around.

Cool Clothing

Your clothes might be the problem of how you’re body is sweating too much. Silk and artificial fibers like nylon and polyester can cling to your skin. This makes it hard for the natural air to dry your body as you sweat. The result is that your body heats up and makes you sweat more. Try wearing more cotton and loose-fitting clothing to help let the air cool and keep your body dry.

Sweating may stink, but there are ways around it. The most important thing to remember is not to let it bother you and just stay clean by showering regularly and wearing body deodorant. If you are stressed out about your sweat, it’s only going to make you sweat more.

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