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Chubby Chick Magnet

Jul 19, 2010

Dear Dish-it,

So I am just really down on myself. I feel like no girl will ever like me. I am chubby, short and ugly. A lot of people think I am funny, but that's not going to help me get a girlfriend. What do I do?


Dear Joe,

Finding a girlfriend is not always based on looks. You’ve got a really good idea to use your sense of humour to attract girls… that’s a great start! Girls love guys that can make them laugh.

But let’s rewind. Your biggest problem is your confidence. You should know that confidence is the most important thing to attract girls. So let’s figure out how to build it into something beautiful so you won't even have to worry about your looks. The good news is that you are young and full of potential to do so much to build your confidence. Here are some things to boost your self esteem.

  • Get into some cool clothes
  • Make sure you’re hair is in style
  • Stay clean and try to smell good
  • Find something fun to practice and get really good at
  • Try cool sports like skateboarding or breakdancing
  • Become an artist
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Get some turntables and spin some records… become a DJ
  • Work with paints
  • Make cool things out of wood
  • Draw funny comics
  • Write your own jokes
  • Make funny videos
  • Become a volunteer and work in your community
  • Work with animals and people that need help
  • Help save the environment

When you find something you love to do, learn how to do it well. Your confidence will skyrocket and no matter what people say about your looks, you will attract girls because your passions will make your smile handsome… I guarantee it!

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