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Guitar Hero Live, Godzilla Details and Star Wars Battlefront

Apr 16, 2015

Lots of video game news this week, everyone! First off, we have a preview of Guitar Hero Live, which is going to put you on stage with your bandmates. We’ve got info on the new Godzilla the Game and all the villains you’ll get to fight. We’re also getting a preview of Star Wars Battlefront, which is coming to us from Star Wars Celebration this weekend!

Guitar Hero is Back!

After a hiatus of five years, Guitar Hero is back! This week we have a new trailer to give you a better view of the new first person experience. Though a lot of things are the same, this time around, you’re going to feel like you’re on stage with your bandmates. In addition, you’re only going to have to use three buttons. Even on levels like Expert, you’re just going to have to press the buttons faster than you did before. Want to get an idea of what it’s going to feel like? Check out the video below. Guitar Hero Live will hit store shelves this fall.

Feel like a rock god in the new Guitar HeroFeel like a rock god in the new Guitar HeroCourtesy of YouTube

Official Guitar Hero® Live Reveal Trailer


Godzilla Release Date and Details

Godzilla is stomping onto PlayStation 3 and PS4 on July 14, according to Bandai/Namco, and he’s not alone. The giant kaiju is coming with some frenemies. Jet Jaguar, Mecha Godzilla, Destroyah, King Ghidorah, and Gigan will all be there with him. Those who have a PS4 will also get an exclusive enemy: Space Godzilla! Are you a fan of the old movies? Well, you’re in luck! There will be a ton of nods to the classics in the game.

This kaiju is no joke!This kaiju is no joke!Courtesy of Bandai/Namco

Star Wars Battlefront Details

Star Wars Battlefront details are going to be revealed at this year’s Star Wars Celebration, which takes place on April 16-19 in Anaheim, California. Lucasfilm just spilled some details. “The scale of our maps and modes offer a great variety depending on the location,” Star Wars Battlefront Design Director Niklas Fegraeus said. “Hoth, where the Rebel Alliance fought off invading AT-ATs in snowy plains, will differ in size than the dense woodland of Endor….We have actually made the decision to specifically tailor certain maps to certain game modes and what we get from that is not only incredibly varied scales, but also gameplay that will allow players to live out some of their most memorable Star Wars battle fantasies.”

Will the Star Wars Battlefront news eclipse the trailer for the new film?Will the Star Wars Battlefront news eclipse the trailer for the new film?Courtesy of EA

No news on the official release date yet, but owners of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC will see the game by the end of this year.


Have Your Say

Are you ready to step onstage and play your heart out? Are you dying to play as Space Godzilla? Does Star Wars Battlefront sound like a winner? Let us know your thoughts below.