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Healing Valentine's Day Scars

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Okay admit it. You barely survived Valentines Day. Feeling scarred from Valentines Day and its not from Cupids Arrow? Well, heres some tips so it doesnt happen again.

Feeling scarred from Valentines Day and it's not from Cupid's Arrow?

Okay admit it. You (yea, that means you Frostygirl 7,) along with all the rest of us, barely survived Valentine's Day. I mean, it was fun in Kindergarten when you could make hearts and silly little poems. Roses are red, violets are blue... You remember. It was great then. Do you know why? Because you gave handmade cards and gifts to your moms or dads or teachers and they loved them. You were happy. Cool. It was cool because to you then, making the cards or rhymes was great.

Think about it, do you remember how many you got back then? Probably not. What happened? Well somewhere between kindergarten and middle school, how many valentine's cards you got and what you got started meaning how much of a hottie you really are. Get real. Does a piece of paper, a box of candy or flowers tell you if you are a hottie or a hootie? NO.

Back up off yourself. Blow off this past V-day as nothing more than what it is - a day for Hallmark and Pot Of Gold and all the other card and chocolate companies to make a quick buck. Next V-day - be prepared! Here are ten things that you can do to make your next Valentine's Day phat and fun.

  • Write your own cards and color them.
  • Volunteer to help someone in the neighborhood that day.
  • Look in the mirror and write down five things that you LOVE about yourself.
  • Buy your own chocolate kisses.
  • Ask your parents about their favorite Valentine's Day.
  • Rent a sappy movie, get a box of Kleenex and enjoy. Invite all your single friends too.
  • Put on your favorite CDs and dance.
  • Send flowers to yourself, and write from a secret admirer.
  • Tell someone that you love them

1 I really liked this girl. I had known her for three years. She had been on my soccer team. She was really athletic and really cute. On Valentine's day I finally got the guts to give her some candy. When I did I found out she had a boyfriend. That was really, really, embarassing.

    Kidz Submit by:
    Nickname: newtrick03
    Age: 14

1 I was giving some cute lil' valentine and pillow that said "Forever Yours" on it. It was sooo cute. I knew he would love it. As soon as I gave it to him... he broke up with me! Talk about mad, sad and upset! Never give something to a guy like that when he wants to break up!

    Kidz Submit by:
    Nickname: SouthParkChick
    Age: 13
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