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You've Got Male...

Dec 27, 2006

Okay fellas... it's your turn now. Ladies stay tuned.

Brief Review

If you have an X and Y chromosome, you are a male. As a member of the male species, you have testes (slang: balls) but let's stay scientific. (Ya wit me?) Your testes are where cholesterol (fats) are transformed, like magic, into androgens or sex steroid hormones. Your body needs sex steroid hormones to help it develop your boyness or girlness. For example, in boys the hormone that you need to be stronger, talk deeper and "be a man" is testosterone. In girls, the sex hormones needed are estrogen and progesterone. But check this, girls have small amounts of testosterone and boys have small amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

Testosterone Tales

For you guys after puberty starts, testosterone flows like water. It binds to your muscles, making them stronger, and your vocal cords - making your voice deeper. It also goes to your brain making you nuts. (Just kidding.) Actually off the hook levels of testosterone can make some guys more aggressive, dominating or just plain out of control. Testosterone levels may go up when you are challenged or confronted. Some studies show that after athletic showdowns, testosterone levels are up in winners and down in losers. Makes you think huh??

Now all of this doesn't mean you need to go check your level to see if you're a playa or a hater. What's the point? Glad you asked. You need to understand that your body is a machine. It can run great or breakdown if you don't take care of it. Even though you may look or feel grown, your body is still developing.

You should also know that as a member of the male species, you are more likely to be violent or involved in violence. Your body may be set up to go off and you don't even know why. So before you swing on someone else, try to understand exactly what's going on. Listen to what your body is saying. Cuz it takes a bigger man to walk away. Be strong and represent in a positive way.

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