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Skipping For Your Health

Dec 27, 2006

Jumping rope is a fun way to increase your fitness level, strengthen [kwlink]your muscles[/kwlink] and improve your flexibility. Find out more about the benefits and fun of skipping rope...

Jumping Rope - The History

Jumping rope or skipping is an activity that can be traced back to 1600 AD, when Egyptians used vines for jumping. In the 1940s and '50s, skipping surged in popularity and kids in many US cities would use their mom's wet clothesline as a jump rope because it was still wet and would be heavy enough to hit the ground just right. Jump roping and skipping is now a sport that is played around the world, both competitively and just for fun. Rope jumpers often combine dance moves with gymnastics to create a fast-paced and exciting sport.

Jumping Rope - Get Started!

  • Getting started in skipping is easy because all you need is a rope, which you can find at most sports stores.
  • Double Dutch skipping is when a person jumps through two jump ropes at the same time, which are being twirled in opposite directions. It's twice as hard but twice as fun as well. Many schools and towns have rope skipping teams that compete at competitions around the world. If you think you have what it takes to be a jump roping master, talk to your P.E teacher about joining a jump rope team or form your own.
  • If you don't feel like joining a rope jumping team, you can always just skip with some friends to different songs or rhymes. For a list of some rope skipping games and rhymes, click here.

Jumping Rope - Why Skip?

  • Skipping or jumping rope can help improve both your overall level of health and athleticism. Skipping just 10 minutes a day can dramatically improve your health.
  • Health benefits include improved cardio fitness, muscle and bone strength, and flexibility.
  • Athletic benefits include improved coordination, balance, speed, timing and rhythm.
  • Skipping is also an inexpensive sport that's fun, creative and easy to learn.

Skipping Records

  • In 1963, 71 year-old Tom Morris skipped 1264 miles (2022 km) from the city of Brisbaine to the city of Cairns in Australia!
  • In 1991, 120,115 people in Sweden all skipped together at the same time to celebrate Skipping Day.
  • The title of "fastest skipper" goes to Albert Rayner of Great Britain, who skipped a rope 128 times in 10 seconds in Birmingham, England in 1982.
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