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Teen Horoscopes - September 2006 (pg. 2)

Dec 27, 2006



September 23 - October 23
Worried that your homework load and extra-curricular activities will get in the way of spending QT with your BF/GF? It probably will, but if you stay organized and stick to your schedule, you'll still have plenty of time to hang with your honey.



October 24 - November 22
Is a friend bringing you down? Set some time aside this month to clear up your differences before your friendship takes a turn for the worse.



November 23 - December 21
You're bursting with energy, so take advantage of the physical activities and sports teams your school has to offer. You can also take long walks or go jogging with your BFF during lunch hour and after school.



December 22 - January 20
Still bummed about a relationship that ended at the beginning of summer? There's a time to mourn and a time to move on - now is the time to move on! You wouldn't want to miss out on an opportunity with someone new (who also happens to be way better than your ex), would you?


January 21 - February 19
You're psyched about your social calendar - every weekend is booked! While it's a lot of fun, you could get burned out, so take time out to rest every once in awhile.


February 20 - March 20
It's so early in the school year and you're already crushin' on the hottie in homeroom! As well as that kid in math class... and that cutie whose locker is a few doors down. Be careful with multiple crushes cuz someone could get hurt.

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