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Quiz The Coach

Got questions about fitness, gym class, injuries, pro athletes or anything else that's related to sports? Quiz the Coach - he's got answers to all your questions

Sports Quizzes

Quiz! Which Friend Are You?

Friends is in its tenth and final season so you're bound to know tons about the gang. But do you know which Friend you are most like...

Quiz! Who's Your Valentine's Sports Crush?

Take Kidzworld's Valentine's Day-inspired Sports Crush Quiz and find out which female athlete is your perfect match.

Quiz! What's Your Artistic Style?

Your art says a lot about your personality (we bet you wonder what it's saying). Find out right here!

Quiz! Who's That Baseball Star?

Play online sports trivia and test your knowledge of your fave homerun hitters with the Who's That Baseball Star Quiz!

Test Your Cartoon Theme Song Trivia!

If you find yourself humming and singing along to all your fave toons, then take Kidzworld's cartoon theme song quiz!

Latest Sports

Preview league preview

Business... its something that goes hand in hand with all sports. Why dont we figure out how to run your own sports league?

Preview training preview

The summer is the best for training at your sport. No more school distractions will get in the way of becoming the best athlete you can be. However, the summer can be very distracting if you dont focus.

Preview soccer tip preview

Soccer is the most popular sport in the World so if you want to make it, you gotta practice. Practicing soccer skills is probably the easiest sport to practice, because all you need is a ball

Preview how to shoot a basketball pre

Its time to start talking basketball again! Wanna learn how to shoot the perfect jumper? Shooting a basketball and hitting nothing but net from the three point line is of the most satisfying feelings. Lets learn how to shoot a basketball.

Preview a p

Playing baseball is so much fun, but sometimes it’s tough to find enough people to play. Kidzworld has searched far and wide to bring you some baseball games that you only need two or three players to play!

Preview a p

Running a marathon... sound scary? Sound interesting? Sound challenging? Marathons take lots of training just to be able to finish one, but once you get there, your whole life will excel out of the rat race and into the challenges of champions.

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